Air Navigation and Obstruction Lighting - high intensity flashing white lights are being used to identify some supporting structures of overhead transmission lines located across rivers, chasms, gorges, etc. These lights flash in a middle, top, lower light sequence at approximately 40 or 60 flashes per minute, with the interval between the top and bottom flashes equal to twice the interval between the middle and top flashes. The top light is normally installed near the top of the supporting structure, while the lower light indicates the approximate lower portion of the wire span. The lights are beamed towards the companion structure and identify the area of the wire span.
Air Navigation and Obstruction Lighting - high intensity flashing white lights are being used to identify some supporting structures of overhead transmission lines located across rivers, chasms, gorges, etc. These lights flash in a middle, top, lower light sequence at approximately 40 or 60 flashes per minute, with the interval between the top and bottom flashes equal to twice the interval between the middle and top flashes. The top light is normally installed near the top of the supporting structure, while the lower light indicates the approximate lower portion of the wire span. The lights are beamed towards the companion structure and identify the area of the wire span.
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