Air Traffic Obstruction Lights on Towers - White Medium Intensity DC obstruction lights with solar power stations, conforming to Chapter 6 of Annex 14 to the ICAO Regulations, flashing 20.000 cd day / 2.000 cd night, integrated GPS based flash synchronization between lights; The solar kit for obstruction light is a compact solar generator. Autonomous and maintenance free, easy to run up, the quality of all its components contribute to make this energy kit the ideal solution for CDT obstruction lights. (The exact size of our solar panel/battery depends on latitude/longitude, for example, the size of the solar panels and battery needs to be 3 times bigger in the North of Europe than in the South of Europe. Usually the initial capacity of the battery with more than 7 days f autonomy, it means the feature lights that will shine for 7 consecutive days if no charging occurs


Air Traffic Obstruction Lights on Towers - White Medium Intensity DC obstruction lights with solar power stations, conforming to Chapter 6 of Annex 14 to the ICAO Regulations, flashing 20.000 cd day / 2.000 cd night, integrated GPS based flash synchronization between lights;

The solar kit for obstruction light is a compact solar generator. Autonomous and maintenance free, easy to run up, the quality of all its components contribute to make this energy kit the ideal solution for CDT obstruction lights. (The exact size of our solar panel/battery depends on latitude/longitude, for example, the size of the solar panels and battery needs to be 3 times bigger in the North of Europe than in the South of Europe. Usually the initial capacity of the battery with more than 7 days f autonomy, it means the feature lights that will shine for 7 consecutive days if no charging occurs during the day)

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