Design, Manufacture and Supply of Warning Spheres & Warning Lights for 500kV Transmission Line * High-Intensity Type B and Medium-Intensity Type A Obstacle at the top & middle of the tower, including independent solar power supply * Aircraft Warning Spheres on OHGW and OPGW

 Design, Manufacture and Supply of Warning Spheres & Warning Lights for 500kV Transmission Line

* High-Intensity Type B and Medium-Intensity Type A Obstacle at the top & middle of the tower, including independent solar power supply
* Aircraft Warning Spheres on OHGW and OPGW

For more details:
#transmissionlines #aircraftwarninglight #obstructionlight #warningsphere



Aircraft warning sphere warning marker balls for power lines

Building Light-Building Obstruction Light/Rooftop Heliport Lighting

L-806 L-807 LED Lighted Wind Cone with Obstruction Light/Illuminated Wind Sock