High-Intensity / Medium Intensity Aircraft Warning Light for 500KV Transmission Line Project


High-Intensity / Medium Intensity Aircraft Warning Light for 500KV Transmission Line Project

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  • High-Intensity Aircraft Warning Light
High Intensity Obstacle Light Type B (90°), multi-LED type. The High Intensity Obstruction Light is compliant to ICAO (Type A, Type B) and FAA (L-856, L-857). High Intensity Obstruction Lights are used to indicate the presence of structures whose height above the level of the surrounding ground exceeds 150m.

* Based on LED technology
* WHITE light - flashing 
* Intensity available: 200.000cd/100.000cd day-mode; flashing 20.000cd twilight-mode; flashing 2.000cd night-mode
* Long life time >10 years life expectancy
* Compact
* Degree of Protection: IP66
* No RF-radiations
* Easy to install
* ICAO Compliant
* Intertek & CAAC Certified

 * Infrared version
 * Stainless Steel Beacon support bracket
 * Solar Powered
  • Medium Intensity Aircraft Warning Light
CK-15 Medium Intensity Red Obstruction Lights , red light, one man & one stand-by, multi-LED type. According to ICAO - Annex 14- Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights Type B or Type C and FAA L-864.
Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights Type B should be used either alone or in combination with Low Intensity Obstacle Lights Type B for night mode, whereas Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights Type C should be used either alone or in combination with Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights Type AC for daily and night mode where the obstacle is particularly large and the height of the surrounding soil is more than 45m.


* Based on LED technology
* RED light - Flashing (Medium Intensity Obstruction Light Type B)
* RED light - Steady Burning (Medium Intensity Obstruction Light Type C)
* Intensity: >2000cd
* Long life time >10 years life expectancy
* Low consumption
* Lightweight and compact
* Degree of Protection: IP65
* No RF-radiations
* Easy to install
* Wind resistance tested at 240km/h (150mph)
* Vibration resistance up to: 80m/s2


* Dual Version(1 duty + 1 stand-by)
* Stainless Steel beacon support bracket
* Infrared version: IR wavelength 850nM
*Solar Powered



Night Marking Red Obstruction Light System for Transmission Tower

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